Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Going personal...

Hey there! We have FINALLY got around to adding About Us tabs to the top of our blog! We love learning fun and personal tidbits about our favorite bloggers, and hope each of you will enjoy learning a smidgen more about our backgrounds, daily lives and loves!

We've gone personal...


& Designer...

Time to go check out those tabs - enjoy!


  1. love the "about me" sections. Also love the plug for using accredited designers:) Would you believe MA does not have a practice OR title act! Crazy right? TN even had a title act, and I always thought the South was way behind.

  2. I love to learn more about you, E, and to get to know you (via cyberspace), Saara. Hope to get to meet you some day! So glad you added some personal info. I love knowing more about who's-writing-what. Alison


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