My sister-in-law told me about some AMAZING abandoned Russian houses that were featured on a blog she reads called Ensuite. I looked them up and sure enough, they make me speechless! I read everything there was to read on these, and it is quite unanimous that everyone who sees these wants to get their hands dirty and restore them. Check out this meticulous detail...
{Click them to go bigger, these are worth seeing up close!}
{Click them to go bigger, these are worth seeing up close!}
There is not much info as to their current owners etc. They are apparently located approximately 550km outside of Moscow, were built in the late 19th century, and are in fairly good condition due to the fact that they are pretty much in the middle of nowhere.
Can you imagine what these would have looked like in their heyday? The Art Historian in me can't help but look at these masterpieces and wonder what life was like living here. Picture these interiors when they were new. I can't get over all the trims and mouldings, and those colors must have been stunning!
Can you imagine what these would have looked like in their heyday? The Art Historian in me can't help but look at these masterpieces and wonder what life was like living here. Picture these interiors when they were new. I can't get over all the trims and mouldings, and those colors must have been stunning!

{All photos via English Russia}
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