Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So we've preached the importance of balance before in design. You have to mix dark with light, heavy with delicate, simple with get it, we know! Well this week we've been working on a different kind of balance .. The kind of balance so many of us working women have learned is DIFFICULT to achieve: career AND family.

When we give so much of ourselves to our careers, sometimes it's hard to keep that balance. But at the end of the day, it is that vital role of wife, mother, sister, daughter that we ultimately hope defines us just as much (if not more) than what we achieve in our careers.

So this week, I've picked up groceries, I've shopped fun outfits (wink), I've let my husband be messy without complaining, and in general, I've tried to give him the love and attention that he truly deserves. And guess what... he's done the dishes twice and seems to be returning every favor twofold.

So, I guess it's never too late to take a page from our own design playbook... don't ever forget the importance of balance in achieving the very best that life has to offer....

Thanks to my sister Caroline for coming to visit and cooking the most delicious dinners!!

and to Georgie for dragging me down to the beach this week:

and to my adorable hubbie Slug, who unabashedly marches to the beat of his own drum:

To my mom for always answering my phone calls! (with my adorable niece Nancy!)

And to my sister and new mother Abigail, who is my most loyal fan and very trusted business advisor. Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow (even now!!)

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